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Accelerated degrees (4 + 1)

Outstanding undergraduate students have the unique opportunity opportunity to advance their careers quickly with our accelerated master's (previously called 4+1) degree programs. These programs will streamline your path immediately from an undergraduate program to a master's degree. By combining undergraduate and graduate coursework in your senior year for dual credit, you'll save up to an entire year of schooling and receive both degrees in as little as five years.

Accelerated Programs

BA English (linguistics) to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MTESOL

BA English (linguistics) to MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

BA English (literature) to MA English (literature track)

BA English (creative writing) to MA English (creative writing track) *currently not accepting applications*

BA English (secondary education) to MA English Education

BA English (writing, rhetorics and literacies) to MA English (writing, rhetorics and literacies track)


The Accelerated Program Pre-Application form requires the following steps (junior year - second semester):

  1. Meet with your undergraduate academic advisor to express your interest and verify that you meet the following criteria:
    • Be in the BA English (Secondary Education) major, with 75 credit hours*, a 3.5 GPA in the major and a 3.0 GPA overall.
    • Be in the BA English (Linguistics) major, with 75 credit hours*, a 3.5 GPA in the major and a 3.0 GPA overall.
    • Be in the BA English (Literature) major, with 75 credit hours*, a 3.4 GPA in the major and a 3.0 GPA overall.
    • Be in the BA English (WRL) major, with 75 credit hours*, a 3.5 GPA in the major and a 3.0 GPA overall.
  2. Fill out the Accelerated Program Pre-Application form found on the Department Forms webpage and email it to the Accelerated Program Coordinator. You will need your undergraduate advisor's signature on the form. 
  3. You will be notified when you have been marked in the system as a "Candidate" to the accelerated program. 
  4. Complete and return the signed 4+1 Agreement Form to the Accelerated Program Coordinator before courses begin.

Accelerated Program Pre-Application Due Dates

  • May 1 for Fall and December 1 for Spring for the following programs:
    • BA English (Literature) to MA English (Literature)
    • BA English (Linguistics) to MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
    • BA English (Linguistics) to MTESOL
    • BA English WRL to MA English (WRL)
  • May 1 for Fall for the following programs:
    • BA English (Secondary Education) to MA English Education

Graduate Applications require the following steps (senior year - first semester):

1. In the first semester taking shared courses for the accelerated program, you will complete a graduate application to the appropriate master’s program. Such an application requires students to submit an online application to Graduate Admissions ( along with the following documents specific to each program:

MA English (Literature), MA English (WRL)

  • A one-page, single-spaced statement of purpose. This document should explain how the ASU MA English program fits with the applicant's long-term goals.
  • A resume.
  • An academic writing sample relevant to the field of literary studies. 
  • One letter of recommendation from a faculty member in the English department who teaches in your area of concentration. The letter should also come from a faculty member the applicant took an upper division undergraduate course with (300 or 400 level).  
  • Note: apply for the semester you plan to begin the graduate program (the semester after your proposed undergraduate graduation semester).

MA English Education

  • A one to two-page statement of purpose detailing the students background, reasons for wanting to do graduate work in English Education, and goals.
  • A resume.
  • Two letters of recommendation from English Education faculty members in the English department. The letter should come from a faculty member the applicant took an upper division undergraduate course with (300 or 400 level).  
  • Note: apply for the fall semester you plan to begin the graduate program (the fall semester after your proposed undergraduate graduation semester).

MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, MTESOL

  • A one-page, single-spaced statement of purpose. This document should explain how the program fits with the applicant's long-term goals or detail background in language study, reasons for wanting to do graduate work in linguistics, and plans for the future.
    • Students applying to the MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics should also note which track they plan to pursue (General Linguistics or Applied Linguistics) and why.
  • A resume.
  • One letter of recommendation from a Linguistics faculty member in the English department preferably from a 300 or 400 level course.
  • Note: apply for the semester you plan to begin the graduate program (the semester after your proposed undergraduate graduation semester)

2. The admissions committee will review your file and let you know whether you have been admitted to the accelerated master’s program shortly after the submission deadline

**Please note that 4+1 applicants must maintain the required GPA in their major and 3.0 overall when applying to the graduate program**

Graduate Application Due Dates

  • October 1 for Fall and March 1 for Spring for the following programs:
    • MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
    • MTESOL
    • MA English (Literature)
    • MA English (WRL)
  • October 1 for Fall for MA English Education

*90 credits MUST be completed by the beginning of the accelerated program (first semester of senior year).

International Students:

Proof of English Proficiency is required for our Master’s programs and can be satisfied in one of two ways:

  • At least 90 semester hours of undergraduate coursework with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  • One of the following results on a standardized English proficiency test: (a) 100 (iBT) or 600 (PBT) or higher on the TOEFL; (b) 7.0 or higher on the IELTS. The MTESOL program will also accept a 68 or higher on the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTEA).


It is important to remember that once you graduate from the undergraduate program and begin the graduate program, you will have to receive a new I-20. Please stay in close contact with the International Students and Scholars Center: 480-727-4776 or

Course Requirements

Students in the MA English Education program develop a deep understanding of the language arts by learning how to access, analyze, and apply theoretical frames and best practices for teaching students in grades 7-12.

For more information:

Undergraduate Advisors
Accelerated Program Coordinator: Samantha Franze
English Education Program Director: Christina Saidy

Students will complete all requirements for the BA English (Secondary Education Concentration) and for the Master of Arts in English Education. Done separately, these degrees involve a total of 150 credit hours (120 for the BA, then 30 for the MA); however, the accelerated program involves 12 credit hours that are shared between the bachelor's and master's programs, so the total number of credit hours to complete the accelerated program is 138.

Below is a timeline detailing how the program would work from the point of applying to graduation. 

Time Actions

junior year



senior year -- fall semester

Submit the Accelerated Pre-Application form to become a candidate for the accelerated program. Sign the Agreement Form after becoming a candidate.

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and submit the pre-application and agreement form to the Accelerated Program Coordinator.


Apply by the deadline for the graduate program by submitting a graduate application (see the "Admission" tab for further information).

Take the following courses:

1. ENG 501 Approaches to Research: English Education (3cr.) students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 471 Literature for Young Adults (3cr.)
3. ENG 482 Methods of Teaching Language (3cr.)
4. SED 322 Classroom Leadership in Secondary Schools (3cr.)
5. SED 496 Clinical Experience III (3cr.)
6. ENG 486 Teaching Text (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

senior year -- spring semester

​If admitted to the graduate program, continue to take the shared course for the accelerated program.

Take the following courses:

  1. ENG 598 Special Topics in English Education (3cr.) students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
  2. SED 478 Student Teaching Secondary Ed (grades 7-12) (9cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The course in bold is credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

MA English Education -- fall semester

Take the following courses:

  1. ENG 506 Methods and Issues in Teaching Language (3cr.)
  2. ENG 507 Methods and Issues in Teaching Composition (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

MA English Education -- spring semester

Take the following courses:

  1. ENG 592 Research (3cr.)
  2. ENG 606 Advanced Studies in English Education (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

MA English Education -- summer semester

Take the following courses:

  1. ENG 594 Central Arizona Writing Project (3cr.)
  2. ENG 593 Applied Project (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Please note that only six credit hours of 400-level coursework can be applied to the Master’s degree program.

To begin taking coursework for the accelerated program, students must have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours towards their BA.

Important Notice to Current International Students: In order for international students to maintain good standing for their VISAs, they must take a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester (i.e., 3 classes), 6 of which should be face-to-face classes.

Students in the MA Literature program learn how to conduct dynamic new research, sharpen their analytical reading skills, argue persuasively, publicly present their work, and become professional writers.

For more information:

Undergraduate Advisors
Accelerated Program Coordinator: Samantha Franze
Literature Program Director: Lee Bebout

Students will complete all requirements for the BA English (Literature Concentration) and for the MA English (Literature Track). Done separately, these degrees involve a total of 150 credit hours (120 for the BA, then 30 for the MA); however, the accelerated program involves 12 credit hours that are shared between the bachelor's and master's programs, so the total number of credit hours to complete the accelerated program is 138.

Below is a timeline detailing how the program would work from the point of applying to graduation.  

Time Actions
junior year -- second semester

Submit the Accelerated Pre-Application form to become a candidate for the accelerated program. Sign the Agreement Form after becoming a candidate.

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and submit the pre-application and agreement form to the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

senior year -- first semester

Apply by the deadline for the graduate program by submitting a graduate application (see the "Admission" tab for further information).

Take the following courses:

1. ENG 501 Approaches to Research: Literature (3cr.) or ENG 502 Contemporary Critical Theories (3cr.) students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 400 Level Literature Elective (3cr.)*  
3. ENG 400 Level Literature Elective (3cr.)
4. ENG Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

*The shared ENG 400 level literature elective must be taken within the department and be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

senior year -- second semester

​If admitted to the graduate program, continue to take the shared courses for the accelerated program.

Take the following courses:

1. ENG 501 Approaches to Research: Literature (3cr.) or ENG 502 Contemporary Critical Theories (3cr.) students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 400 Level Literature Elective (3cr.)* 
3. ENG 400 Level Literature Elective (3cr.)
4. ENG Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

*The shared ENG 400 level literature elective must be taken within the department and be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

MA Literature -- two semesters

18 credit hours at the 500 or 600 level.

Coursework includes the following (two of these courses must be taken at the 600 level):

1. A course in literature before 1800 (3cr.)
2. A course in literature since 1800 (3cr.) 
3. 3 ENG literature electives (9cr.)*
4. ENG 593 Applied Project (3cr.)

*If students use a 500-level language course to fulfill the Foreign Language requirement, it can satisfy one of the electives.

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Please note that only six credit hours of 400-level coursework can be applied to the Master’s degree program.

To begin taking coursework for the accelerated program, students must have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours towards their BA.

*MA students must also demonstrate or provide evidence of competent knowledge of a natural language other than modern English to satisfy the Language Requirement.

Important Notice to Current International Students: In order for international students to maintain good standing for their VISAs, they must take a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester (i.e., 3 classes), 6 of which should be face-to-face classes.

The master's degree program in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics addresses the study of human language and the application of that study to the human condition through training in linguistics and applied linguistics.

For more information:

Undergraduate Advisors
Accelerated Program Coordinator: Samantha Franze
MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Director: Matthew Prior

Students will complete all requirements for the BA English (linguistics concentration) and for the MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program. Done separately, these degrees involve a total of 150 credit hours (120 for the BA, then 30 for the MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics); however, the accelerated Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program involves 12 credit hours that are shared between the bachelor's and master's programs, so the total number of credit hours to complete the accelerated Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program is 138.  

Below is a timeline detailing how the program would work from the point of applying to graduation for the BA English (Linguistics) to MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program – Applied Linguistics track:

Time Actions
junior year -- second semester

Submit the Accelerated Pre-Application form to become a candidate for the accelerated program. Sign the Agreement Form after becoming a candidate.

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and turn in the pre-application form to the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

senior year -- first semester

Apply by the deadline for the graduate program by submitting a graduate application (see the "Admission" tab for further information).

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 510 Linguistics (3cr.) - students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 404 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, ENG 414 Studies in Linguistics, or an approved ENG 400 level Linguistics Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
3. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) - Undergraduate (3cr.)
4. Undergraduate 400-Level Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

The shared ENG 400 level linguistics elective must be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

senior year -- second semester

​If admitted to the graduate program, continue to take the shared courses for the accelerated program.

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 520 Second Language Acquisition Theories (3cr.) students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 404 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, ENG 414 Studies in Linguistics, or an approved ENG 400 level Linguistics Upper Division Elective (3cr.)  
3. ENG Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
4. ENG Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator. Decide on a Thesis or Applied Project for the culminating experience in the Master's.

The shared ENG 400 level linguistics elective must be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics -- first semester

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 501 Approaches to Research (3cr.) 
2. LIN 511 Phonetics and Phonology or LIN 514 Syntax (3cr.) 
3. LIN 599 Thesis or 500/600 level LIN or APL elective (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics -- second semester

Take the following courses:

1. 500 or 600 level LIN or APL elective (3cr.)
2. LIN 515 American English or LIN 516 Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis (3cr.) 
3. LIN 599 Thesis or LIN 593 Applied Project (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

To begin taking coursework for the accelerated Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program, students must have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours towards their BA. Please note that only six credit hours of 400-level coursework can be applied to the Master’s degree program.

MA students must also demonstrate or provide evidence of competent knowledge of a natural language other than modern English to satisfy the Language Requirement. Please note that since accelerated students are on a compressed time schedule, we do not recommend taking ENG530/531 to satisfy the foreign language requirement.

Important Notice to Current International Students: In order for international students to maintain good standing for their VISAs, they must take a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester (i.e., 3 classes), 6 of which should be face-to-face classes.

The master's degree program in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics addresses the study of human language and the application of that study to the human condition through training in linguistics and applied linguistics.

For more information:

Undergraduate Advisors
Accelerated Program Coordinator: Samantha Franze
MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Director: Matthew Prior

Students will complete all requirements for the BA English (linguistics concentration) and for the MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program. Done separately, these degrees involve a total of 150 credit hours (120 for the BA, then 30 for the MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics); however, the accelerated Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program involves 12 credit hours that are shared between the bachelor's and master's programs, so the total number of credit hours to complete the accelerated Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program is 138.  

Below is a timeline detailing how the program would work from the point of applying to graduation for the BA English (Linguistics) to MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program – General Linguistics track:  

Time Actions
junior year -- second semester

Submit the Accelerated Pre-Application form to become a candidate for the accelerated program. Sign the Agreement Form after becoming a candidate.

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and turn in the pre-application form to the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

senior year -- first semester

Apply by the deadline for the graduate program by submitting a graduate application (see the "Admission" tab for further information).

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 510 Linguistics (3cr.) - students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 404 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, ENG 414 Studies in Linguistics, or an approved ENG 400 level Linguistics Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
3. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) - Undergraduate (3cr.)
4. Undergraduate 400-Level Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

The shared ENG 400 level linguistics elective must be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

senior year -- second semester

​If admitted to the graduate program, continue to take the shared courses for the accelerated program.

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 511 Phonetics and Phonology (3cr.) students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 404 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, ENG 414 Studies in Linguistics, or an approved ENG 400 level Linguistics Upper Division Elective (3cr.)  
3. ENG Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
4. ENG Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator. Decide on a Thesis or Applied Project for the culminating experience in the Master's.

The shared ENG 400 level linguistics elective must be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator. 

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics -- first semester

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 501 Approaches to Research (3cr.) 
2. LIN 514 Syntax (3cr.) 
3. LIN 599 Thesis or 500/600 level LIN elective (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

MA Linguistics and Applied Linguistics -- second semester

Take the following courses:

1.600 level LIN elective (3cr.)
2. LIN 515 American English or LIN 516 Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis (3cr.) 
3. LIN 599 Thesis or LIN 593 Applied Project (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

To begin taking coursework for the accelerated Linguistics and Applied Linguistics program, students must have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours towards their BA. Please note that only six credit hours of 400-level coursework can be applied to the Master’s degree program.

MA students must also demonstrate or provide evidence of competent knowledge of a natural language other than modern English to satisfy the Language Requirement. Please note that since accelerated students are on a compressed time schedule, we do not recommend taking ENG530/531 to satisfy the foreign language requirement.

Important Notice to Current International Students: In order for international students to maintain good standing for their VISAs, they must take a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester (i.e., 3 classes), 6 of which should be face-to-face classes.

The master's degree program in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) is for individuals who wish to build a career in the international field of English language teaching. Through this program, students will develop scholarly and professional understanding in four main areas that are central to TESOL: language, learning, research methods, and teaching methods.

Graduates of the MTESOL program have been successful in finding employment in a variety of TESOL-related positions locally, nationally, and internationally. When students list their degree and other credentials on a CV or other documents, it is important that they use the official degree name: MTESOL, Master of TESOL, Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Using a similar but incorrect name such as "MA in TESOL" or "MA in ESL" creates not only confusion but may be interpreted as falsely representing credentials.

For more information:

Undergraduate Advisors
Accelerated Program Coordinator: Samantha Franze
MTESOL Program Director: Matthew Prior
Director of Internships: Ruby Macksoud

Students will complete all requirements for the BA English (linguistics concentration) and for the MTESOL degree. Done separately, these degrees involve a total of 150 credit hours (120 for the BA, then 30 for the MTESOL); however, the accelerated program involves 12 credit hours that are shared between the bachelor's and master's programs, so the total number of credit hours to complete the accelerated program is 138.  

Below is a timeline detailing how the program would work from the point of applying to graduation.  

Time Actions
junior year -- second semester

Submit the Accelerated Pre-Application form to become a candidate for the accelerated program. Sign the Agreement Form after becoming a candidate.

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and turn in the pre-application and agreement form to the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

senior year -- first semester

Apply by the deadline for the graduate program by submitting a graduate application (see the "Admission" tab for further information).

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 510 Linguistics (3cr.) - students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 404 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, ENG 414 Studies in Linguistics, ENG 484 Internship, or an approved ENG 400 level Linguistics Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
3. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. (C) - Undergraduate (3cr.)
4. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

The shared ENG 400 level linguistics elective must be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

senior year -- second semester

​If admitted to the graduate program, continue to take the shared courses for the accelerated program.

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 520 Second-Language Acquisition Theories (3cr.) students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 404 Studies in Second Language Acquisition, ENG 414 Studies in Linguistics, ENG 484 Internship, or an approved ENG 400 level Linguistics Upper Division Elective (3cr.)  
3. ENG Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
4. ENG Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

The shared ENG 400 level linguistics elective must be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

MTESOL -- first semester

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 501 Approaches to Research (3cr.) 
2. LIN 521 Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language (3cr.) 
3. MTESOL elective* (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

MTESOL -- second semester

Take the following courses:

1. LIN 584 Internship (3cr.)^ 
2. ENG 597 Graduate Capstone Seminar (3cr.) 
3. MTESOL elective* (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator. 

* These two electives may consist of other LIN or APL courses, or with the director’s approval, ENG/FMS courses, or courses outside the English department (e.g., education, school of international letters and cultures, speech and hearing science, psychology). MTESOL students must also demonstrate or provide evidence of competent knowledge of a natural language other than modern English to satisfy the Language Requirement. Please note that since accelerated students are on a compressed time schedule, we do not recommend taking ENG530/531 to satisfy the foreign language requirement.

^Students must take LIN 584 Internship even if they took ENG 484 Internship as an undergraduate. Note: One course in which students can get practical teaching experience is LIN584-MTESOL practicum internship. This is a required course, so all students must take it once; but, students also have the option of taking it more than once, in which case the additional time(s) it is taken could count as an elective(s).  Questions about LIN484/LIN584 can be directed to the English department’s internship director ( 

To begin taking coursework for the accelerated program, students must have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours towards their BA. Please note that only six credit hours of 400-level coursework can be applied to the Master’s degree program.

Important Notice to Current International Students: In order for international students to maintain good standing for their VISAs, they must take a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester (i.e., 3 classes), 6 of which should be face-to-face classes.

The MA Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies program emphasizes rhetorical strategies of oral, written, material, and digital texts through classical and contemporary theories, methods, and contexts.

For more information:

Undergraduate Advisors
Accelerated Program Coordinator: Samantha Franze
Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies Program Director: Mark Hannah

Students will complete all requirements for the BA English (writing, rhetorics and literacies concentration) and for the MA English (writing, rhetorics and literacies track) degree. Done separately, these degrees involve a total of 150 credit hours (120 for the BA, then 30 for the MA); however, the accelerated program involves 12 credit hours that are shared between the bachelor's and master's programs, so the total number of credit hours to complete the accelerated program is 138.  

Below is a timeline detailing how the program would work from the point of applying to graduation.  

Time Actions
junior year -- second semester

Submit the Accelerated Pre-Application form to become a candidate for the accelerated program. Sign the Agreement Form after becoming a candidate.

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and turn in the pre-application and agreement form to the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

senior year -- first semester

Apply by the deadline for the graduate program by submitting a graduate application (see the "Admission" tab for further information).

Take the following courses:

1. ENG 501 Approaches to Research: Rhetoric & Composition or ENG 552 Composition Studies (3cr.)- students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 419 Writing in Digital Spaces or ENG 472 Rhetorical Studies (3cr.) or an approved equivalent 
3. Upper Division Directed Elective (3cr.)
4. Upper Division ENG Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

The shared ENG 400 level elective must be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

senior year -- second semester

​If admitted to the graduate program, continue to take the shared courses for the accelerated program.

Take the following courses:

1. ENG 501 Approaches to Research: Rhetoric & Composition or ENG 552 Composition Studies (3cr.) students must receive an override from their undergraduate advisor
2. ENG 409 Analyzing Rhetoric or ENG 472 Rhetorical Studies (3cr.) or an approved equivalent
3. ENG 484 Internship (3cr.)
4. Upper Division Directed Elective (3cr.)
5. Undergraduate Upper Division Elective (3cr.)

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

The shared ENG 400 level elective must be approved by the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

MA WRL -- first semester

Take the following courses:

1. ENG 651 Advanced Studies in History and Theories of Rhetoric, ENG 652 Advanced Composition Studies, or ENG 654 Advanced Studies in Rhetoric, Writing, Technology, and Culture (3cr.) or an approved equivalent
2. ENG 556 Theories of Literacy (3cr.) 
3. 500/600 level elective (3cr.)*

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

*If students use a 500-level language course to fulfill the Foreign Language requirement, it can satisfy the elective.

MA WRL -- second semester

Take the following courses:

1. ENG 655 Disciplinary Discourses or ENG 656 Studies in Cross-Cultural Discourse or an approved equivalent
2. ENG 551 Rhetorical Traditions (3cr.) 
3. ENG 593 Applied Project (3cr.)

Meet with the Accelerated Program Coordinator.

To begin taking coursework for the accelerated program, students must have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours towards their BA. Please note that only six credit hours of 400-level coursework can be applied to the Master’s degree program.

MA students must also demonstrate or provide evidence of competent knowledge of a natural language other than modern English to satisfy the Language Requirement.

Important Notice to Current International Students: In order for international students to maintain good standing for their VISAs, they must take a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester (i.e., 3 classes), 6 of which should be face-to-face classes.

Currently not admitting to this track or accepting applications

The Creative Writing track under the MA in English will provide qualified students access to an outstanding and diverse faculty of teaching-writers. The track seeks to support the artistic growth of student-writers through access to writing workshops affiliated with the nationally ranked MFA program in Creative Writing while also providing clear, practical value. Students in the BA/MA program will be superiorly prepared to apply for graduate terminal degrees in the field and enhance their profile on the job market.

For more information:

Undergraduate Advisors
Creative Writing Program Manager: Justin Petropoulos

Students will complete all requirements for the BA English (Creative Writing Concentration) and for the MA English (Creative Writing Track). Done separately, these degrees involve a total of 150 credit hours (120 for the BA, then 30 for the MA); however, the accelerated BA/MA program involves 12 credit hours that are shared between the bachelor's and master's programs, so the total number of credit hours to complete the accelerated BA/MA program is 138.

Below is a timeline detailing how the program would work from the point of applying to graduation. 

Time Actions
junior year -- second semester

Submit application for the accelerated program

Meet with an undergraduate advisor and submit the pre-application form to the Creative Writing Program Manager.

senior year -- first semester

Take the following courses:

Course #

Course Title

Credit hours

ENG at the 400 level

400-level Literary Studies Course (Replaces Graduate Elective)


ENG 538

Studies in Modern and Contemporary American Literature (Replaces Upper Division English Elective)


ENG 497


ENG 498

Honors Colloquium


Pro-Seminar in Fiction or Poetry


English Upper Division Undergraduate Electives




Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Creative Writing Program Manager.

The shared ENG 400 level literature elective must be approved by the Creative Writing Program Manager.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

senior year -- second semester

Take the following courses:

Course #

Course Title

Credit hours

ENG at the 400 level

400-level Literary Studies Course (Replaces Graduate Elective)


ENG 539

Studies in Modernist and Postmodernist Literature and Theory (Replaces Undergraduate Upper Division Course)


Upper Division Undergraduate Electives




Meet with an undergraduate advisor and the Creative Writing Program Manager.

The shared ENG 400 level literature elective must be approved by the Creative Writing Program Manager.

Note: The courses in bold are credit hours that will be shared between the bachelor's and master's programs.

MA Creative Writing -- two semesters

18 credit hours at the 500 or 600 level.

Term 1 of graduate program

Course #

Course Title

Credit hours

ENG 501

Approaches to Research


ENG 594

Graduate Workshop


ENG 584






Term 2 of graduate program

Course #

Course Title

Credit hours

ENG 593

Applied Project


ENG 500/600 level

Graduate Creative Writing or Literature Elective


ENG 500/600 level

Graduate Creative Writing or Literature Elective




*If students use a 500-level language course to fulfill the Foreign Language requirement, it can satisfy one of the electives.

Meet with the Creative Writing Program Manager.

Please note that only six credit hours of 400-level coursework can be applied to the Master’s degree program.

To begin taking coursework for the accelerated BA/MA program, students must have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours towards their BA.

*Also, students must demonstrate or provide evidence of competent knowledge of a natural language other than modern English, to be selected by the student, subject to approval of the MA Literature director.  (Language Requirements).

Important Notice to Current International Students: In order for international students to maintain good standing for their VISAs, they must take a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester (i.e., 3 classes), 6 of which should be face-to-face classes.