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Graduate Experience

Graduate Experience

Welcome to graduate studies in English at Arizona State University at the Tempe campus. Located in the heart of the Valley of the Sun, ASU offers spectacular physical landscapes, year-round temperate climates, diverse ethnic and cultural environments, state-of-the-art research facilities, and strong academic programs and faculty. The Department of English, housed in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, has created a diverse and energetic intellectual atmosphere within which to pursue graduate studies and boasts one of the largest, most productive faculties in the western United States. You’ll also have access to a highly qualified team of academic and faculty advisors who are committed to helping you achieve success throughout your graduate experience and beyond. From assisting with course selection to guiding you through the job search process our academic and faculty advisors are here for you.

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ASU English graduate Dawn Opel (PhD 2015)

ASU English gave me the resources and flexibility to pursue my interests across not only in English but across fields of study at ASU and beyond. I feel fortunate to have had excellent mentoring by both faculty and alumni of the PhD program, who led by example in research and professionalization. All of these aspects of my training have provided many opportunities for me upon completion of my PhD. Additionally, my cohort of fellow PhD students have become close friends and colleagues that have enriched my personal and professional life.

—Dawn Opel, PhD 2015

Graduate Faculty provided significant feedback on my writing and were always available to meet to discuss a paper or project or to provide advice about the job market. From talking with grad students at other programs, I've learned that this level of support is rare and I truly appreciate and value the relationships I've developed and the experiences I've had at ASU. Beyond a variety of class offerings and supportive faculty relationships, the English department sponsors numerous faculty projects, interdisciplinary collaborations, guest speaker series, department-sponsored conferences, etc. that expose students to leading scholars and innovative ideas.

—Jason D. Price, PhD 2014