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Homecoming Writing Contest

Homecoming Writing Contest

Deadline: Extended - November 2nd, 2024 by 11:59 p.m.

The Department of English Homecoming Writing Contest celebrates the creative and scholarly writing of undergraduate students within ASU English (English; Culture, Technology and Environment; and Film and Media Studies majors or minors [non-BIS]). ASU Online students are eligible. Awards will be presented to the first place winners in the following categories (applicants may submit one entry* per category):

  • Poetry: $500
  • Short story/creative nonfiction: $500
  • Scholarly essay: $500

The Awards Committee will review all entries and notify student(s) selected for awards via email by November 13. Awards will be presented at an event during ASU Homecoming week on Wednesday, November 20, from 1:15 to 2:30pm. Winners may be asked to read from their submissions. All applicants (and the general public) will be invited to attend.

*One entry=one scholarly essay, one short story or creative nonfiction piece, or one to six poems.

Video from previous Homecoming Writing Contest Awards

Previous Recipients: 

  • 2023: Katarina Marceta (poetry), Wilson Arnpriester (scholarly essay), Ava Ashtiani (fiction / creative nonfiction)
  • 2022: Kee Bulkowski (poetry), Taylor L. Montaño (fiction/creative nonfiction), Sierra Elizabeth Bravo (scholarly essay)
  • 2021: Eleanor Ambler (poetry), Thomas Bate (scholarly essay), Timothy Alann Nathan (fiction/creative nonfiction)
  • 2020: Zane Encinas (scholarly essay), Breanne Hoffman (poetry), Sally Krueger-Wyman (fiction/creative nonfiction)
  • 2019: Brenna Camping (fiction/creative nonfiction), Alyssa Lindsey (poetry), Thomas Bate (scholarly essay)
  • 2018: Damaris Ixtchel Castillo (poetry), Emily Gadberry (scholarly essay), Mayra Vasquez-Chavez (creative nonfiction), Miranda Lynn Williams (fiction)
  • 2017: Cianna Garrison (poetry), Jordyn Ochser (short story/creative nonfiction), Madison Margolis (scholarly essay)
  • 2016: Delaney Kranz (fiction), Jordan Mychal Dahlen (poetry), and Ashley Barnard (scholarly essay)
  • 2015: Sarah Brady (scholarly essay), Elliot Winter (poetry), and Zachariah Webb (fiction)
  • 2014: David Klose (Poetry); Mia Aguilera (Short Story/ Creative Nonfiction); Sarah Slater (Scholarly Essay) 
  • 2013: Laura van Slyke (poetry); Austen Johnson (short story/creative nonfiction); Elizabeth Monnig (scholarly essay) 
  • 2012: Alexandra Francoise Comeaux (poetry); Heath Wilcock (fiction/non-fiction); Jennifer Murphy (scholarly essay) 
  • 2011: Zari Panosian: "Language Barrier" (short fiction); Elyse Mele: 5 Poetry submissions: Brevitas, How the World Became Flesh, Pont D’Avignon, Villanelle for Mending Things, Contact Sheet, and May, 2010 (poetry); Alyssha Nelson: "A Portrait of the Escape Artist: Language, Meditation, and Exile in A Portrait of the Artist" (scholarly essay)
  • 2010: Anthony Cinquepalmi (1st) poetry; Alyssha Nelson (2nd) poetry; Haley Coles and Elyse Mele (HM) poetry; Lydia Medill (1st) scholarly essay; Esther Drown (2nd) scholarly essay; Kristilyn Baldwin and Kelly McVey (HM) scholarly essay; Kimberly Jakubowski (1st) short fiction; Cassandra Powers (2nd) short fiction; Christina Arregoces and Jeff Weyant (HM) short fiction
  • 2009: Jessica Cyrell, scholarly essay; Ryan Ratliff, fiction; Mindy Murphy, poetry
  • 2008: Tomas Karmelo Amaya (poetry), Riki Meier (essay), Megan VanRy (short story) 
  • 2007: Joseph Abbruscato (poetry), Katrina Bender (essay), Ijana Harris (short story)