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Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and TESOL Student Research Mini-Grants

Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and TESOL Student Research Mini-Grants

Description: These funds are meant to support currently enrolled Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and TESOL students in their research and/or professional development.

1.  Who can apply? 

Any undergraduate or graduate student in good standing (3.50 cumulative GPA) in any of our in-person or online linguistics, applied linguistics, or TESOL programs (including certificate programs) in the Department of English at ASU. Funds may support individual students, student collaborations, and student-faculty collaborations. However, applications must come from students who seek out faculty assistance. 

2.  What can you apply for?  

This is broad and may include support for student research, research clusters, and activities such as reading groups, guest speakers for student-initiated events, and research training (requests for reimbursement will also be considered). In general, these should be research or professional development activities that fall outside the scope of other sources of funding. 

Examples: books, materials, software, research training, research equipment, refreshments for an event, invited speaker, conference registration and/or travel (for non-TAs), research travel, professional membership fees, editorial services. 
Note: Funds may not be used for stipends or compensating research participants.

3.  How much can you apply for?  

Students can apply for up to $250, though larger amounts may be considered depending on the nature of the project and availability of funds.

4.  When can you apply?  

Applications can be submitted at any time during the academic year, and they will be reviewed upon each semester deadline. All awarded funds must be used by the end of the academic year (May 31).

  • Fall 2024 application deadline October 25, 2024 for funds to be used by Dec 31, 2024 
  • Spring 25 application deadline Mar 21, 2025 for funds to be used by May 31, 2025

5. How do you apply?  

Applications must be submitted through the LAL Research Mini-Grant Google Form, which can be found linked below.

Applications must include:

  • a brief description of the activity/event, participants, and how it contributes to the student’s research and/or professional development
  • a budget and timeline, explaining how the funds will be used

Please see the application form for other required information.

6.  How are applications reviewed?

The applications will be reviewed by LAL area faculty. Students will be notified within 6 weeks of the application deadline.

Interested students should complete this LAL/TESOL Student Mini-Research Grant Application.