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The Undergraduate Experience

The Undergraduate Experience

Undergraduate Experience

Life as an English or film and media studies major on ASU’s Tempe campus

As a student in the Department of English at Arizona State University, you’ll join one of the most innovative and research-driven universities in the country to transcend the traditional boundaries of English studies. You’ll be based on the historic Tempe campus with some of the finest researchers, teachers and mentors in the field. You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of language itself as well as imaginative and non-fictive production, circulation, and consumption of oral, visual and written, film, and digital texts.

You’ll also have access to a highly qualified team of academic advisors who are committed to helping you achieve success throughout your college experience and beyond. From assisting with course selection to planning your long-term career, our academic success specialists are here for you.

If you're an online student, you'll have the same access—if virtual—to research, teachers, mentors and academic advisors. In addition, many department lectures and events are recorded and available for later viewing online. Select sessions are available live via Google Hangout.

Explore life on campus

Browse our scholarships

Build momentum for a rewarding future

If you want to amplify your undergraduate experience and take your academics to the next level, we encourage you to get involved in a club, an internship, or a research initiative. It’s a great way to meet fellow students with similar interests while developing highly sought after skills desired by potential employers, such as leadership, communication, problem solving, teamwork, public speaking and more.

Department of English Internship Program – Engage in an internship for an opportunity to see the value of an English degree beyond the more typical fields of teaching and tutoring. You’ll be better prepared to enter the job market after graduation with the practical work experience you gain--and that experience plus your academic experience on your resume are highly attractive to future employers. 

Sigma Tau Delta – Become a member of Tau Gamma, the ASU Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, an international English honor society established in 1924 to confer distinction for high achievement in English language, literature, and writing.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities – Browse Department of English community and research initiatives to see if something catches your eye. Many of these trailblazing projects encourage undergraduate participation in the form of research assistantships, independent study, internships, or volunteer opportunities. Contact individual faculty or staff members for information about the project(s) most interesting to you.

Each of our student enrichment activities and clubs are geared toward helping you succeed after graduation whether in your intended career path or as a graduate student earning a master’s or doctorate degree. We encourage you to get involved so you can reach your fullest potential, personally and professionally.