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Software and Services for Personal Devices

Software and Services for Personal Devices

Software and Services for Personal Devices

In accordance with ASU Information Security Standards, we recommend all computers that contain sensitive information be encrypted. For more information, see: get protected by adding data encryption to your device.

This software is available for personally owned computers and devices. ASU computers have different licenses. 

Faculty, Staff, and Students can install Office 365 (and the related Office suite) on up to five computers and devices for free.

To get Office 365 go to https: login Microsoft online

Microsoft Windows and Office, EndNote, Parallels, Wipebook, and more. 

**Note: the Adobe Creative Cloud annual voucher is no longer available for Faculty and Staff. Contact Bruce Matsunaga if you are in the Department of English and need a CC license.

Cisco AnyConnect VPN (Virtual Private Network)

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, allows you to create a secure connection to the ASU network from any location. Certain web services that only function on-campus will work from off-campus by using the ASU VPN. 

  1. To download go to My.ASU > My Apps
  2. To connect using two-factor authentication, see:  How to access the ASU VPN

Cloud Storage

Google Drive and Drive File Stream through ASU. Why use ASU’s Google Drive over a personal Google Drive or Dropbox?

  • Available to faculty, staff, and students.
  • ASU Google Drive is FERPA, GDPR, and COPPA compliant (unlike personal Google and Dropbox accounts).
  • Depending on your affiliation, there will be tiered storage limitations on Google Workspaces
    • Current students and alumni will get 5 GB
    • Staff and Faculty and Retired Employees will get 20 GB
  • You can keep your ASU Google account if you graduate or retire from ASU.

ASU Dropbox

  • Faculty, staff, and TAs can create an ASU Dropbox account
  • The soft capacity limit is 1 TB, but users can exceed that limit since we have unlimited pooled storage.
  • ASU Dropbox is is FERPA, GDPR, and COPPA compliant (unlike personal Google and Dropbox accounts).
  • Real-time collaboration tools.
  • You will lose access to ASU's Dropbox when you leave the university.

Microsoft OneDrive

  • Available to faculty, staff, and students.
  • Works with Office 365 Online Apps.
  • OneDrive is is FERPA, GDPR, and COPPA compliant (unlike personal Google and Dropbox accounts).
  • 5 TB of storage. Your storage space availability may only show as 1 TB. If you go over the 1 TB, your account will automatically be allocated more.
  • Real-time collaboration tools.
  • You will lose access to OneDrive when you leave the university.

Password Management

  • ASU no longer supports LastPass.
  • ASU provides Stache for faculty, staff and students to manage ASU work-related passwords only.
  • For personal use, please see for potential options. The linked page also provides additional details as to why ASU is moving away from LastPass.