Welcome to the resource website for non-tenure track faculty. Career Faculty are valued members of the ASU community and provide exceptional teaching and service that support the New American University’s mission of inclusion and academic success.
Visit the individual tabs below for information on Career Faculty and their areas of expertise, important documents for annual review/promotion, and information on Department and University bylaws.
This website is maintained by the Career Faculty (formerly NTT) Committee, a standing committee within the Department of English dedicated to representing the needs, concerns, and contributions of non-tenure track faculty (which currently include faculty associates, instructors, and lecturers) within the department.
Below, you will find information on the Career Faculty Committee members, Instructor representatives for Department monthly meetings, Writing Programs representatives, and Department Senators for the University Faculty Senate.
The Committee welcomes comments and suggestions from Career Faculty regarding updates and content for this site. Please contact any of the members with questions or concerns. Their contact information is available below.
Career Faculty (formerly NTT) Committee
Dana Tait (chair)
Cajsa Baldini
Christopher Bradley
Lynette Myles
Kevin Sandler
Joshua Vasquez
Faculty Senators
Dana Tait (yr 1)
Solmaz Sharif (yr 1)
Heather Maring (yr 3)
Instructor Representatives for Department Meetings
Jackie Brady
Heather Cimino-Lance
Jonathan Danielson
Amilynne Johnston
Kenneth Landenburg
Jeremy Meyer
Abigail Oakley
Writing Programs Committee Representatives (by rank)
Resources for English Department NTT Faculty
Job responsibilities, employment information, and other helpful resources for all NTT ranks are available online. These are described in this section, with links provided.
NTT faculty rights and responsibilities are described in several university, college, and department documents. Via the University and College Senates, faculty play a role in developing and updating policies and procedures.
The ASU ACD Manual: ACD & AAD
The Academic Affairs Manual governs all academic employees at ASU. It is a good idea to review the entire manual, but the sections below may be of particular relevance to NTT faculty:
- Sections 101 – 114: The administrative structure of the university is explained in this section, including the role that faculty play in governance. All full-time NTT faculty are members of the academic assembly, and may vote in academic assembly elections. Additionally, units elect representatives to the university and college senates (section 112 -- bylaws)
- Section 201 defines academic freedom. All faculty have academic freedom.
- Section 300 describes faculty responsibilities
- Section 500 covers personnel matters, including the important “conditions of faculty service” (section 501). Faculty rank definitions and appointment categories are included in section 505-02 and 03
- Sections 600 and 700 describe policies regarding benefits and leaves/absences
The University Senate is “the representative body of the ASU Academic Assembly, which consists of all tenured and tenure-eligible faculty, academic professionals, and full-time contract faculty (i.e. lecturers and senior lecturers, instructors, clinical faculty, research faculty, and professors of practice).” It is “empowered by the Constitution (see ACD112-01) to “act for the Academic Assembly in matters relating to: academic affairs, personnel policies, faculty-student policies, finances and University services and facilities.” The Senate votes on resolutions and motions introduced by Senate committees (such as changes to the ACD) and acts as liaison between faculty and administration. Each unit elects representatives to the senate; the number of unit Senators is determined by the size of the unit. The Department of English currently has three Senators, who serve three year terms. Lecturers and Tenure –Track faculty may serve as Senators, who attend all meetings and distribute notes to the department. Full minutes and other documents (such as new course requests) are available on the website (above).
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Senate: College Governence and College Senate
The College Senate is the representative body for the ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, in which the Department of English is housed. It operates in a similar way as the University Senate for College affairs. The Department of English’s Senators are also members of this body, attending meetings and distributing notes.
The Department of English (DEN) Manual (under revision): http://www.asu.edu/clas/asuenglish/facspace/deptmanual/contents.htm
The DEN governs all academic employees of the Department of English. As with the ACD, reviewing the entire manual is a good idea, but the sections below may be of particular relevance to NTT faculty:
- Section 200 (Policies)
- 201: Bylaws: This section describes who is considered a department member, who can attend department meetings and who has voting rights.
- 205: Leave policies
- 206 – 211: Employment policies, such as those regarding benefits and retirement
- 300: Teaching policies
- 500: Hiring, renewal, reappointment, promotion, and annual evaluation policies
- Appendix A: The Annual Prospective Responsibility Form. Each year, all faculty must designate the percentage of their workload dedicated to teaching, professional development/research, and service. NTT ranks’ primary responsibility is teaching (80% - 100%, depending on rank). These percentages factor in to the annual evaluation.
NTT Working Conditions Report May 2016
This section contains links to university policies and procedures for non-tenure track promotion. These include the promotion opportunities available; the responsibilities of the candidate, unit and college regarding promotions; criteria for promotions; instructions for submitting promotion materials; and documents for compiling promotion materials.
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Criteria for Promotion of Lecturers
Department of English
Process Guide-Fixed Term Faculty Promotion
Liberal Arts And Sciences English Lecturers II
Confirmation of Publications Creative Materials