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accents on english | fall 18-spring 19

accents on english | fall 18-spring 19

volume 22, issue 1

This is the place of places and it is here.

—Gertrude Stein

humanities in place: desert contours and contrasts

A Note from the Editor: Some Thoughts on Place
Meghan Bacino

new books & media

Faculty, staff, student, & alumni publications

research and engagement

Book Traces at ASU Moves Forward
Devoney Looser

Close Encounters with Creepy Critters
Dana Tait

Rhetorical Fin Flips in Mermaid 'Science': A Q&A with Peter Goggin
Kristen LaRue-Sandler

Peering into Landscapes with Literature
Mayra Vasquez-Chavez

student stories

Online Students are Plugged-in to Education
Sheila Luna

Making Loved Ones Proud: What 'University' Means to Two First-Generation College Students
Meghan Bacino

My Sister, the Teacher: One Student's #RedforEd Close-Up
Mayra Vasquez-Chavez

A Place to Show Up, to Search and Be Known
Meghan Bacino

A desert is a place without expectation.

—Nadine Gordimer

alumni feature

Marieke Davis and Ember Black: Creating an Artistic Vision, Accessible by All
Kira Assad

69 Cent Shots and Postmodern Clutter in the Big Red Barn: A Fond Eulogy to Tempe's Minder-Binders
Larry Ellis


Honoring the 'Open Book': Humanities in Situ
Kristen LaRue-Sandler

Adopt-A-Family 2018—Setting a New Record
Adelheid Thieme

word lovers' corner

A to Z Trivia: How Well Do You Know America's 48th State?
Dana Tait

Geek Chorus: A Crossword on Nerdosity in Contemporary Literature and Popular Culture
Alberto Ríos

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

—T. S. Eliot

comings and goings

Danielle Alfandre, Lecturer (Writing Programs)
Avrajit Dey

Lois Brown, Foundation Professor (Literature) and Director, Center for the Study of Race and Democracy
Emily Robinson

Jeffrey Cohen, Professor (Literature) and Dean of Humanities, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Basil Price

Aviva Dove-Viebahn, Assistant Professor (Film and Media Studies)
Sheila Luna

Jacob Greene, Assistant Professor (Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies)
Meghan Bacino

Jonathan Hope, Professor (Literature)
Bootsie Martinez

Richelle Hubbell-Hudson, HR Specialist Sr. (Business Office)
Sheila Luna

Tyler Peterson, Assistant Professor (Linguistics and Applied Linguistics)
Sheila Luna

Justin Petropoulos, Program Manager (Creative Writing)
Kira Assad

Ayanna Thompson, Professor (Literature) and Director, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Isaac Kolding

in memoriam

John X. Evans (1933-2018)

Katherine Heenan (1963-2019)
Elizabeth Lowry

Dhira Mahoney (1938-2019)

Helen Nebeker (1927-2018)

Kathleen "Kay" Sands (1939-2018)
Larry Ellis

It is good people who make good places.

―Anna Sewell

editorial staff

Accents on English 2.0 is produced by the Department of English at Arizona State University.

Executive Editors: Meghan Bacino, Larry EllisKristen LaRue-Sandler  |  Web Editor: Kristen LaRue-Sandler

Copy Editors: Sheila LunaKira Assad, Adrian Thomas

Newsletter Committee: Meghan Bacino (Co-Chair) Larry Ellis (Co-Chair), Kira AssadDavid HawkesKristen LaRue-SandlerDevoney LooserSheila LunaDana Tait

about the masthead image

Bruce Matsunaga. Ross-Blakley Hall at sunset. 2017. 

Our resident technical genius, Bruce Matsunaga, is also a talented photographer with a great sense of timing. He snapped this photo of a radiant Ross-Blakley Hall on a hot September evening, after a long day of helping English move into its new "digs." Check out more of Matsunaga's work on behalf of ASU English on the department's Flickr account.