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Chaucer Celebration

Chaucer Celebration

The ASU Department of English's biennial Chaucer Celebration commemorates the life and work of medieval author Geoffrey Chaucer with events such as film festivals, concerts, performances, and academic discussions.

2024 Chaucer Celebration

Chaucer and Tyranny web header

Chaucer and Tyranny: March 14-15, 2024

In 2024, we'll feature a public lecture by Professor Natasha Piano (UCLA), a roundtable discussion, and an exhibition of ASU Library’s collection of early printed editions of Chaucer’s works.


Roundtable: Tyranny and Chaucer’s Tyrants 
10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.  |  Memorial Union, Coconino Room (MU 246)

With Natasha Piano (Political Science, UCLA), Craig Calhoun (School of Politics and Global Studies, ASU), Matt Simonton (School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies, ASU), Larry Scanlon (English, Rutgers), and Richard Newhauser (English, ASU). Learn more

Lecture by Natasha Piano: "Medieval Tyranny and Modern Elections"
4-5:30 p.m.  |  Memorial Union, Coconino Room (MU 246)

Professor Natasha Piano of UCLA presents “Medieval Tyranny and Modern Elections: Chaucer and the Italian Tyrants.” Learn more


Chaucer Exhibition 
9:30-11 a.m.: Hayden (LIB) 135

Exhibition of early printed editions of Chaucer’s works. Learn more

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All events are free of charge, open to the public, and take place at ASU's Tempe campus.

Sponsored by ASU’s Dean of Humanities in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Department of English; Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies; ASU Library; Humanities Institute; School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies; and School of Politics and Global Studies.

More information: Richard Newhauser

Past Chaucer Celebrations

Chaucer Returns to the Movies: April 6-7, 2022

Chaucer Celebration 2022 Poster

Chaucer Film Contest 2022 Poster

Chaucer Goes to the Movies: April 16, 2020

2020 Film Contest Winners

First Prize: ASU Undergraduate Film

"The Pardoner's Tale" (Short Film). Directed by Quincy Ray Barham. Starring Isaiah Lara, Nathan Merck, and Canyon DiMare

Second Prize: ASU Undergraduate Film

"The Cook's Tale." Written by Claudia Deley and Briyannah E. Simmons. Directed by Briyannah E. Simmons. Edited by Ross Holding. Starring Patrick D. Surface-Grimsley, Lucas Dern, David Huff, Eric Davis, and Briyannah E. Simmons.

First Prize: High School Student Film

"The Knight's Tale: Combat Between Palamon and Arcite." Written by Sebastian Owens. Directed by Sebastian Owens and Suzanna Anderson. Starring Elias Enriquez, Tanner French, and Sebastian Owens.

Chaucer Celebration 2020 Poster

Twenty-First-Century Chaucer: March 23, 2018

Chaucer Celebration 2018 Poster

The Art(s) of Being Geoffrey Chaucer: March 18, 2016

Chaucer Celebration 2016 Poster

Chaucerian Comedy and the Senses (of Humor): April 18, 2014

Chaucer Celebration 2014 Poster

Chaucer's England—Sights, Sounds, Poetry: March 30, 2012

Chaucer Celebration 2012 Poster

Chaucer and Religion: April 1-2, 2010

Chaucer Celebration 2010 Poster

Chaucer's New Easter Clothes Day: April 3, 2009

Chaucer Celebration 2009 Program