A Department of English Celebration of ASU Homecoming
Come Home to English 2024
Homecoming Writing Awards + English Flash Talks
Wednesday, Nov. 20 @ 1:15-2:45 p.m. | Ross-Blakley Hall (RBHL) 196
Homecoming Block Party
Saturday, Nov. 23 @ 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. | Alumni Lawn
Questions? Please contact Bruce.Matsunaga@asu.edu.
Past Come Home to English Events
Homecoming Writing Awards + English Faculty Flash Talks
Tuesday, Oct. 24 @ 12-1:15 p.m. | Ross-Blakley Hall (RBHL) 196 *or* Online
Homecoming Block Party
Saturday, Oct. 28 @ 1-5 p.m. | Alumni Lawn
Questions? Please contact Kristen.LaRue@asu.edu.
Homecoming Writing Contest Awards Ceremony + Faculty Flash Talks
Wednesday, Nov. 16 @ 12-1:15 p.m. | Hybrid
Homecoming Block Party: Devils through the Decades
Saturday, Nov. 19 @ 9 a.m. | Alumni Lawn (outside Old Main)
Homecoming Writing Contest Awards Ceremony
Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021 @ 5 p.m. | Online via Zoom
Home(coming) Writing Contest Awards Ceremony
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020 @ 5 p.m. | Online via Zoom
What's Tech Got to Do with It? Research by Jonathan Hope and Jacob Greene + Homecoming Writing Awards
Tues., Nov. 19 @ 3:30-5 p.m. | Ross-Blakley Hall (RBHL) room 117 | ASU, Tempe campus
A Conversation with Jayro Giron, Warner Bros. Animation
Fri., Nov. 22 @ 10:45 a.m. | College of Design North (CDN) room 60 | ASU, Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party
Sat., Nov. 23 @ 1:30-5:30 p.m. | Alumni Lawn, outside Old Main (MAIN) | ASU, Tempe campus
'Using Popular Media as a Tool for Engagement and Endangered Language Learning' Talk by Tyler Peterson + Homecoming Writing Awards
Thurs., Nov. 1 @ 3:30-5 p.m. | Ross-Blakley Hall (RBHL) 117 | ASU, Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party: The Greatest Show
Sat., Nov. 3 @ 9 a.m.-1 p.m. | Cady Mall, outside Language and Literature (LL) | ASU, Tempe campus
'Making Signs that Sing' Talk by Heather Maring + Homecoming Writing Awards
Wed., Oct. 25 @ 3:30-5 p.m. | Ross-Blakley Hall (RBHL) 117 | ASU, Tempe campus
Stellar Alumni Reading Series: Irena Praitis and Bojan Louis
Thurs., Oct. 26 @ 7-8:30 p.m. | Memorial Union (MU) Cochise Room (228) | ASU, Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party: May the Fork be with You!
Sat., Oct. 28 @ 3:45 p.m. | Cady Mall, outside Language and Literature (LL) | ASU, Tempe campus
The Indie Film Market Today: Inside Hollywood with an ASU Grad
Mon., Oct. 17 @ 3-4:15 p.m. | Education Lecture Hall (EDC) 117 | ASU, Tempe campus
'Performance and the Archive' Talk + Homecoming Writing Awards
Wed., Oct. 19 @ 3:30-5 p.m. | Language and Literature (LL) 316 | ASU, Tempe campus
Watch the Reading Watch the Lecture
Homecoming Block Party: Sparky at 70
Sat., Oct. 22 @ 3-7 p.m. | Cady Mall, outside LL
Come Home to English 2015 Poster
Write Now: Celebrating 30 Years of Creative Writing at ASU
through Sat., Nov. 14 | Hayden Library (LIB) Upper Concourse
The Flash and Me: Television, Visual Effects, and Life after ASU
Mon., Nov. 9 @ 3 p.m. | John W. Schwada Bldg (SCOB) 228
Navajo Poet Laureate Laura Tohe on the Code Talkers + Homecoming Writing Awards
Tues., Nov. 10 @ 3:30 p.m. | Language and Literature (LL) 316
Homecoming Block Party
Sat., Nov. 14 @ 9 a.m.-1 p.m. | Cady Mall, outside LL
Come Home to English 2014 Poster
Art & Archives Gallery
Tues.-Fri., Oct. 28-31, Tu-Th @ 9-5; F @ 9-3:30 | Language and Literature (LL) 316, ASU Tempe campus
Vernissage: Meet the Artists
Wed., Oct. 29 @ 3:30-5 p.m. | Language and Literature (LL) 316, ASU Tempe campus
A Talk by Ron Broglio + Homecoming Writing Awards Presentation
Thurs., Oct. 30 @ 4:30 p.m. | Language and Literature (LL) 316, ASU Tempe campus
Watch the Lecture Watch the Reading
Homecoming Block Party
Sat., Nov. 1 @ 4 p.m. | Cady Mall, outside LL | ASU Tempe campus
Come Home to English 2013 Poster
Art & Archives Gallery
Wed.-Fri., Oct. 16-18 @ W, Th 9-5; @ F 9-3:30 | Language and Literature (LL) 316, ASU Tempe campus, ASU Tempe campus
National Day on Writing Celebration
Wed., Oct. 16 @ 10 a.m.-2 p.m., On the mall near Danforth Chapel and in the Language and Literature (LL) Lobby, ASU Tempe campus
Vernissage: Meet the Artists
Wed., Oct. 16 @ 3:30-5 p.m. | Language and Literature (LL) 316, ASU Tempe campus
Lecture by Devoney Looser + Homecoming Writing Awards Presentation
Fri., Oct. 18 @ 3:30 p.m. | Memorial Union, Gold Room (MU 207), ASU Tempe campus
Watch the Lecture Watch the Reading
Homecoming Block Party: All That Glitters is Gold
Sat., Oct. 19 @ 11 a.m.-3 p.m. | Cady Mall, outside LL, ASU Tempe campus
Come Home to English 2012 Poster
Art & Archives Gallery
Mon.-Fri., Oct. 22-26 @ 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU Tempe campus
National Day on Writing Celebration
Mon., Oct. 22 @ 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | On the mall near Danforth Chapel, ASU Tempe campus
Vernissage: Meet the Artists
Tue., Oct. 23 @ 4-5:30 p.m. | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU Tempe campus
'Beowulf' in the Mead Hall: A Communal Reading
Weds., Oct. 24 @ 1-5 p.m. | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party: A Golden Decade
Sat., Oct. 27 @ 9 a.m. | Alumni Lawn (in front of Old Main), ASU Tempe campus
Come Home to English 2011 Poster
Art & Archives Gallery
Mon.-Fri., Oct. 24-28 @ 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU, Tempe campus
Vernissage: Meet the Artists
Tue., Oct. 25 @ 3:30-5 p.m. | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU, Tempe campus
'The Language of Prairie Dogs' lecture by Con Slobodchikoff
Weds., Oct. 26 @ 3:15 p.m. | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU, Tempe campus
'The Language of Food' talk and demonstration by Viktorija Todorovska + McCraw Helms Writing Awards Presentation
Thurs., Oct. 27 @ 3 p.m. | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU, Tempe campus
Watch the Lecture Watch the Reading
Homecoming Block Party
Sat., Oct. 29 @ 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. | Alumni Lawn (in front of Old Main), ASU, Tempe campus
Come Home to English 2010 Poster
Art & Archives Gallery
Mon.-Fri., Oct. 25-29 @ 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU, Tempe campus
Vernissage: Meet the Artists
Tue., Oct. 26 @ 3:30-5 p.m. | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU, Tempe campus
"Language in a Digital Age" Lecture by James Gee + McCraw Helms Writing Awards Presentation
Wed., Oct. 27 @ 3:15-5 p.m. | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU, Tempe campus
A Visit by Lucy Hawking
Thurs., Oct. 28 @ 9-10:15 a.m. | Language and Literature 12 (LL 012), ASU, Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party
Sat., Oct. 30, 12:30 p.m. | Alumni Lawn (in front of Old Main), ASU, Tempe campus
Come Home to English 2009 Poster
Art & Archives Gallery
Mon.-Fri., Oct. 26-30 @ 9 a.m.-5 p.m. daily | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU, Tempe campus
Vernissage: Meet the Artists
Mon., Oct. 26 @ 3-5 p.m. | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316) ASU, Tempe campus
'Dust Storm': Emeritus Series Lecture by Roger Murray + McCraw Helms Writing Awards Presentation
Wed., Oct. 28 @ 3:15-5 p.m. | Language and Literature 316 (LL 316), ASU, Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party
Sat., Oct. 31 | Alumni Lawn: English Booth at Piper Writers House (PWH), ASU, Tempe campus
Come Home to English 2008 Poster
Art & Archives Gallery
Mon.-Fri., Nov. 10-14 (CLOSED 11/11 for Veteran's Day) @ 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., daily | Language & Literature Bldg Rm 316 (LL 316), ASU Tempe campus
Gallery Vernissage: Meet the Artists
Mon., Nov. 10 @ 3:15 p.m. | Language & Literature Bldg Rm 316 (LL 316), ASU Tempe campus
'Out of the Pocket': Bill Konigsberg Reading and Book Signing
Mon., Nov. 10 @ 6:30 p.m. | College of Design North Auditorium (CDN 060), ASU Tempe campus
(A)Wake for Milton
Weds., Nov. 12 @ 12 Noon-2 p.m. | Memorial Union Gold Rm (MU 207), ASU Tempe campus
'Medieval Edens: Sex, Death, and Power in Paradise': ACMRS Distinguished Lecture by Alastair Minnis,
Douglas Tracy Smith Professor of English, Yale University
Thurs., Nov. 13 @ 7 p.m. | Memorial Union Pima Room (MU 230), ASU Tempe campus
Midnight in the Garden
Fri., Nov. 14 @ 6:30-10 p.m. | University Club, ASU Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party
Sat., Nov. 15--12:30 p.m. | Piper Writers House (PWH), ASU Tempe campus
Art & Archives Gallery
Mon.-Fri., Oct. 22-26 @ 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. daily | Language & Literature Bldg Faculty Lounge (LL 316), ASU Tempe campus
Sherman Alexie: A Lecture, Reading & Booksigning
Mon., Oct. 22 @ 7:30 p.m. | Neeb Hall (NEEB) 105, ASU Tempe campus
Vernissage Gallery Opening
Tues., Oct. 23 @ 4 p.m. | Language & Literature Bldg Faculty Lounge (LL 316), ASU Tempe campus
'Sustainability': 2007 Western States Rhetoric & Literacy Conference
Thurs.-Sat., Oct. 25-27, ASU Tempe campus
A Night in the French Quarter
Fri., Oct. 26 @ 6:30-10 p.m. | University Club (UCLUB), ASU Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party + CLAS Bookfair & Art Walk
Sat., Oct. 27 @ 4-7 p.m. | ASU Alumni Lawn in front of Old Main (along University Dr). Bookfair takes place adjacent Piper Writers House (PWH), ASU Tempe campus
Art & Archives Gallery
Mon.-Sat., Oct. 16-21 @ 8 a.m.-5 p.m. | Language & Literature Bldg Faculty Lounge (LL 316), ASU Tempe campus
English Department Follies!
Fri. Oct. 20 @ 6:30-10 p.m. | University Club North & Thoren Rms (UCLUB), ASU Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party, Bookfair & Art Walk
Sat., Oct. 21 @ 10 a.m. | ASU Alumni Lawn in front of Old Main (along University Dr). Bookfair takes place adjacent Piper Writers House (PWH), ASU Tempe campus
'The Creative Economy and the Liberal Arts'
Thurs., Oct. 27, @ 4 p.m.| University Club, ASU Tempe campus
Post-Lecture Gathering and Reception w/ Music by The Luckys
Thurs., Oct. 27 @ 5:30 p.m., University Club, ASU Tempe campus
Art & Archives Gallery
Thurs.-Sat., Oct. 27-29 @ 8 a.m.-5 p.m., F 8 a.m.-Noon | Language & Literature Building Room 316 (Faculty Lounge), ASU Tempe campus
'The Play’s the Thing'
Fri., Oct. 28 @ 7-10 p.m.| Memorial Union Alumni Lounge (MU 202), ASU Tempe campus
Homecoming Block Party + CLAS Bookfair & Art Walk
Sat., Oct. 29 @ 12:30 p.m. | ASU Alumni Lawn in front of Old Main (on University Drive). Bookfair takes place at the adjacent Piper Writers House, ASU Tempe campus