Accents on English - Spring / Summer 2015 | Volume 18, Issue 2
chair's corner
Meditations and Recollections: The End/s of History [M. Lussier]
alumni feature
Where Are They Now? MFA Fulbrighters Traverse the Globe [C. Campbell]
►In Focus: Translating Ivorian Conflict Poetry [C. Campbell]
'Dear Himalayas': Alum Bringing Lyric Medicine to Nepal [K. LaRue-Sandler]
A History of English at ASU: The Early Years [J. Kelly]
Emeritus Professor Sharon Crowley Lauded for 'Profound Rethinking' of Field [K. LaRue-Sandler]
Tribute to a Writer: Kathryn Swarthout (1919-2015) [C. Campbell]
student stories
A Star(bucks) Student: FMS Major Tiffany Zinn [K. Dwyer]
Meet the Prison Education Awareness Club (PEAC) [S. Berry]
►Q&A with Jessica Fletcher, PEAC President [S. Berry]
New Critical Theory Certificate Empowers Thinking 'The Unthought' [K. Assad]
Valuable, Flexible, Diverse: Customizable Online MA in English Now Available [S. Luna]
new faculty & staff
Kira Assad: Office Specialist (Graduate Studies / Internships) [S. Luna]
research & engagement
Instructor Insights: Four Teachers in the Trenches [J. Kelly]
Richard Newhauser at Work on Medieval Sin ‘Encyclopedia’ [K. LaRue-Sandler]
word lovers' corner
Spring 2015 Crossword: Words and Music (Music in Literary Works) [A. Ríos]
An Ode from the Editor: In Honor of Memory [A. Ríos]
►Poem for Raúl H. Castro [A. Ríos]
Stats and Tweets: English Participates in Sun Devil Giving Day [K. LaRue-Sandler]
Book Drive Nets Windfall for Local Elementary Schools [Editors]
in memoriam
Alex Christensen (1987-2015) [S. Hopkins]
Mary Green (1931-2014) [Editors]
Kathryn Harris (1941-2015) [Editors]
Clare Sweeney (1930-2014) [Editors]
new books & media
Faculty and Staff Publications
upcoming events
Accents on English 2.0 is produced by the Department of English at Arizona State University.
Executive Editors: Alberto Ríos, Kristen LaRue-Sandler | Web Editor: Kristen LaRue-Sandler
Copy Editors: Christopher Floyd, Jan Kelly, Sheila Luna, Sarah Saucedo
Newsletter Committee: Alberto Ríos (Chair), Shavawn M. Berry, Corey Campbell, Karen Dwyer, Jan Kelly, Kristen LaRue-Sandler,Sheila Luna
Background header image from 1960: A bustling view of ASU's Memorial Union at the corner of Orange Street and College Avenue toward the southeast. UP UPC ASUB M45 #2
All header images used in the Spring / Summer 2015 Accents on English newsletter are from University Archives' online exhibit, The New ASU Story.