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Courses | Writing Programs

Courses | Writing Programs

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100-level courses introduce foundational theories, concepts, perspectives, principles, methods, and procedures of critical thinking and writing. They focus on the development and practice of essential writing and literacy skills.

ENG 101: First-Year Composition 

Eng 101 expanded description

ENG 102: First-Year Composition

Eng 102 expanded description

ENG 105: Advanced First-Year Composition

Eng 105

ENG 107: First-Year Composition (For Multilingual Writers)

Eng 107

ENG 108: First-Year Composition (For Multilingual Writers)

Eng 108

200-level courses assume competency in the general writing foundations established in the 100-level courses, and offer students opportunities for more in-depth study and practice writing about specific themes and in specific genres. They provide a foundation for upper-division coursework in writing and rhetoric.

ENG 215: Strategies for Academic Writing

Eng 215

ENG 216: Persuasive Writing on Public Issues

Eng 216

ENG 217: Writing Reflective Essays

Eng 217

ENG 218: Writing about Literature

Eng 218

300-level courses assume mastery of basic writing conventions, concepts, and practices, and offer students in-depth and sophisticated opportunities to practice writing for specialized audiences and/or through specific theoretical frameworks. They emphasize problem-solving, analytical thinking skills, and theoretical applications.

ENG 301: Writing for the Professions

Eng 301

ENG 302: Business Writing

Eng 302 description goals objectives july 2017

Eng 302 redesign presentation spring 2017

English 302 - business writing course development guide updated july 2017

wpc written communication rubric 2017

ENG 372: Document Production

Eng 372

ENG 374: Technical Editing

Eng 374

400-level courses assume mastery of basic writing conventions, concepts, and practices, and offer students in-depth and sophisticated opportunities to practice writing for specialized audiences and/or through specific theoretical frameworks. They emphasize problem-solving, analytical thinking skills, and theoretical applications.

ENG 472: Rhetorical Studies

Eng 472

ENG 474: Review Writing

Eng 474

ENG 475: Popular Periodical Writing

Eng 475

ENG 494: Special Topics

Eng 494