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English Computing

English Computing

Bruce Matsunaga, PhD
Director of Digital Technology
RBHL 138, 480-965-3884

I provide computing workshops and individual support for the English department. My workshops include basic computing skills, application use and Web page development. Let's talk about your digital humanities ideas and projects! 

Ross-Blakley Hall Technological Features

Workshop Schedule


Computing Equipment Policy

Software and Services

Dropbox for ASU

Video (Vimeo) and (YouTube)


ASU Enterprise Technology (ET formerly called UTO) Deskside Support

ASU Enterprise Technology (ET formerly called UTO) provides computer and technical support for the Department of English within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. For hardware related computer issues, please submit a help ticket using the button below.

Submit a Help Ticket

Additional Support

Tempe College Ave Tech Studio
College Avenue Commons (CAVC)
660 South College Ave, Second Floor

Tempe CPCOM Tech Studio
Computing Commons 140

Student Access to Computers and Hotspots and Wi-Fi

Students may check out laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots from the ASU Library.

At the Tempe campus, almost all buildings and some courtyards have good wireless coverage. This is a heatmap of outdoor Wi-Fi coverage. 

Tempe campus outdoor wi-fi coverage map

Video and Audio Studios - Tempe campus

Informal recordings

Studios for Students

Studios for Faculty