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Valuable, Flexible, Diverse: Customizable Online MA in English Now Available

Hang on to your virtual hats: ASU’s Department of English has jumped into the brave and important new world of online graduate education. Beginning fall 2015, English will expand its student population with the Master of Arts in English offered entirely online. The program—long awaited and highly anticipated by many non-traditional, underserved students in the community as well as across the country—joins the department’s other online graduate degree, the Film and Media Studies Program’s MAS in Film and Media Studies.

The online MA offers a cross-section of English studies, including linguistics, literature, cross-cultural studies, rhetoric, and creative writing. English faculty have constructed interesting courses with high quality content and visually appealing delivery.

“Not everyone has a schedule that fits with in person classes,” says Director of Graduate Studies Ron Broglio. “So, rather than feeling stuck without opportunities to grow intellectually, this online MA provides a range of people access to quality education with experts in a wide variety of fields.”

A Customizable Degree with Value

An English degree is a valuable commodity, not only for those pursuing careers in teaching, publishing, public humanities, educational administration, technical writing, or public relations, but also for the ability to write well and think creatively. An MA in English demonstrates an ability to understand and translate complex ideas for a wider audience.

“The pace of our complicated cultural lives calls for people who have such skill sets,” says Broglio. “The determination and discipline needed to complete an advanced degree also shows intellectual fortitude and character.”

The program consists of nine classes and an applied project as the culminating experience. Students will be able to choose up to two electives from English or other online offerings across campus. ASU Online tuition, at $482 per credit hour, is lower than regular graduate tuition.

A Diverse Program with Flexibility

Flexibility is another plus. “Students will be able to combine graduate studies with work, family, and other educational activities,” says Cajsa Baldini, a Lecturer and Director of Online Programs for English. “Now, it’s possible to get an online MA from an English department at a Research I Institution, which is much less common than one might think.”

“I know of no other program which offers such a diverse range at the graduate level,” says Broglio. “The other interesting aspect is that students will learn how to represent themselves and their ideas through digital media from papers to blogs to audio recordings.”

People with various life experiences bring their interests, passions, and diverse goals to the online classroom. “The results are thoughtful, lively class conversations,” says Broglio. “I learn to see in new ways through my online students.”

The Department of English is excited to expand its community of online scholars. We welcome those who are intellectually curious and looking to expand their lifelong learning with an advanced degree. Students intending to study online should be self-motivated and realistic about the amount of work that goes into graduate studies.

For more information on the new online MA degree program, contact or visit the MA English Online webpage.

For questions about the application process, contact

Sheila Luna

Photo: graphic from

Header background image is an undated photograph—likely from the early 1900s—of members of the Alpha Society, a mandatory literary club, posing with what is now "A" Mountain in the background. UP UPC ASUD A4242 #3