→Please note that this scholarship will not be awarded after fall 2023.
Rodriguez Award Submission Period: September - October
The Aleida Rodriguez Memorial Award in Creative Writing--created in honor of Aleida Rodriguez, who died of breast cancer in 2012--provides financial support for ASU graduate students who want to pursue a career in creative writing.
A financial award of $1000 is given to a selected MFA Creative Writing student.
This year’s award is open to 2nd and 3rd year MFA students writing FICTION.
If you would like to submit for this year’s award, please do the following:
- Sign into your ASU Gmail Account
- Follow the link to the AY 22-23 Rodriguez Memorial Award Submission page
- Complete the information form provide
- Upload/Submit ONE short story of ANY length at the bottom of the online form
- The poem can be in Word .docx or .pdf formats
- The submission deadline is 5:00pm on October 3, 2022.
Contact Creative Writing Program Manager Justin Petropoulos (justin.petropoulos@asu.edu) for details.
Previous Recipients
2023-2024: Ayling Dominguez (awarded as The College Deans’ Council Scholarship for MFA Students)
2022-2023: Frankie Concepcion
2021-2022: Mónica García
2020-2021: Steffi Sin
2019-2020: Maritza Estrada
2018-2019: Warren Glynn
2017-2018: Susan Nguyen
2016-2017: Kathryn Bucolo
2015-2016: Jennifer Conlon
2014-2015: Heath Wilcock (MFA, 2016)
2013-2014: Nathan Slinker (MFA, 2014)