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High Impact Internship Award

The Department of English's High-Impact Internship Award will be awarded again in spring 2025. Application deadline: March 1

What is the High-Impact Internship Award?

Students interested in non-profit, government, advocacy, or social service work greatly benefit from internship experiences in their fields. While these internships are of extraordinary value to the student, to the organizations they serve, and ultimately, to the greater social good, they are often unpaid and in fact, students typically register and pay tuition for the credits they receive.

The High-Impact Student Internship Award will help offset this burden; it will not only recognize student initiative and achievement, it will provide a small economic incentive for students engaging in unpaid internships with a high impact factor.

Who is eligible?

Undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of English at ASU (including online) who are completing internships for academic credit (any number of credits) with a high-impact factor are eligible to apply. The internship must be unpaid and can have been completed during the summer, fall, or spring of the current academic year.

How much will be awarded?

Award amounts in 2025 will be $1,000 each. It is expected that future awards may be similar.

How do I apply?

By 11:59 p.m. on Mar. 1, applicants must: 

  1. be a Department of English undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a Department of English internship course;
  2. have an unpaid internship (whomp, whomp) with a for-profit or non-profit group;
  3. engage in high-impact internship activities for the greater good (think earning karma points for your work);
  4. write a 500-word pitch outlining how your internship work makes the world a better place and what that means for your future career and humanistic impact; and
  5. complete an application form, available below.

*See below for examples of high-impact internship sites.

High-Impact Factor Internship Sites—A Sampling

Note: This is simply a representative list; students are not limited to these internship sites to be eligible for the High-Impact Internship Award.

  • GateWay Community College Refugee English Teaching Internship
  • AZ State Capitol Internship
  • ASU Library Student Ambassador Internship
  • The Pen Project Prison Education Internship
  • ASU Art Museum Research Internship
  • Piper Center Creative Writing Internship
  • Linguistics Field Methods Internship
  • English Secondary Education Internship
  • St. Vincent de Paul Community Internship
  • Seeds of Change and Green on Purpose Food Education Internship
  • Read Better Be Better Young Learners Literacy Internship
  • The International Rescue Committee Teaching Internship
  • Refugee Focus Teaching Internship
  • Phoenix Film Festival Internship
  • TESOL in Brazil Summer Internship
  • Heard Museum Research Internship
  • St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Development Internship
  • Make-A-Wish Arizona Wish Granting Internship
  • Habitat for Humanity Community Internship
  • Vive Peru English Teaching Internship
  • Project Humanities Internship


Previous Recipients

2023-2024: Wade Sharp and Sangeet Bhalla
2022-2023: Olivia Grasso, Amber Hedquist, Valeria Reyes, and Jada Wendling
2021-2022: Thomas Bate and Asna Nusrat
2020-2021: Andrea Yang and Ainslee Dicken
2019-2020: Diana Schooling and KaLynn Yazzie
2018-2019: Melovee Easley and Colleen Wilkowski