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By Kristen LaRue-Sandler — August 3, 2022

Image of new ISTB7 building on the ASU Tempe campus / Photo by Charlie Leight

The new issue of Accents on English, the Department of English at Arizona State University's annual newsletter, is themed around seemingly oppositional concepts. The idea of “heritage and change” articulates our current state as an organization in the act of transformation.

Read contributor essays exploring both tradition and innovation; topics range from archival discoveries to sports-enabled literary philanthropy to groundbreaking work in the environmental humanities. Meet a dozen new faculty and staff who just spent their first year with us, and say goodbye to several more who just gracefully exited. Co-editor Larry Ellis, a folklorist, mines his field for ideas on how to navigate the tensions between conservation and dynamism, finding an “impulse” that underlies even what stays the same.

There’s also an opportunity for play; a crossword asks if what goes around comes around—or if it just feels like it?—and co-editor Ellis cheekily declines to give the location of the Secret Garden in his story about the well-known ASU spot.

We hope you find something transformational (or not) here.

Read the 2022 issue