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accents on english | spring-summer 16

accents on english | spring-summer 16

A Super Scholarship Winner

No one knew quite what to expect when the re-tooled criteria for the Don and Alleen Nilsen Humor Scholarship were unveiled last semester.

But certainly few expected a presentation equal in quality, wit, and, um, exaggeration to Annalea Fusci’s winning entry, Superbole teaches Hyperbole.

Fusci (who also acts and produces as Annalea Fiachi) is an ASU Online undergraduate student majoring in English’s Film and Media Studies program. She was awarded $1,000 for her video that features heroes, villains, and a healthy dose of super humor.

The winning entry is “very entertaining and very informative—and that's no hyperbole,” said Don Nilsen, a linguist who co-established the scholarship with his wife Alleen Pace Nilsen, an education specialist. The couple are both Professors Emeritus of English.  

We hope you enjoy Fusci’s educational and exciting short film.

—Kristen LaRue-Sandler