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Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive

Accents on English - Spring 2013    |    Volume 16, Issue 2

[Note: these stories are being added daily. Keep an eye on this page for the full issue ... eventually.]

chair's corner

Being Thankful to Those Who Give Back [M. Goggin / B. Sturges]

giving back, giving forward

Spotlight on L2 Writing: New Award for Outstanding Paper [S. Luna]

Creative Writers Supported by Rodriguez, Lyon Awards [C. Campbell]

In Her Own Words: A Portrait of Maxine Marshall [C. Hogue]

Simon Ortiz Donates Archive to Labriola Center, ASU Libraries [P. Masek]

The Randel and Susan McCraw Helms Homecoming Writing Awards: Encouraging the Next Generation of Writers [S. Berry]

ian fletcher remembered

A Department Pays Tribute [H. Hoyt]

research & engagement

World Englishes in the Multilingual World [C. Wells]

Funny HaHa or Funny Hmmm: Humor Conference Spans Disciplines, Spurs Laughter, Ideas [S. Luna]

Assistant Professor Sally Ball: A Four Way Mentor [J. Kelly]

word lovers' corner

Spring 2013 Crossword: Giving Back—Books, Movies, Songs, and People [A. Ríos] 

Secret ASU [A. Ríos]

student stories

Contributing Expertise Creates Town-Gown Bridge: PhD Candidate Sarah Grieve—Model Citizen [Editors]

For Film Students, Opportunity Knocks Outside the Classroom [H. Vandevoorde]

In Defense of Digital Humanities: Staffer Bruce Matsunaga Earns PhD [Editors]

gained in translation

On the Importance of Being Untranslatable [C. Hogue]

'To Bend that Language': Elizabeth Horan on Translating Mistral [K. LaRue]

the teaching zone

For Love of the Book: English Education's James Blasingame [J. Parkinson]

Alumna Named U.S. Professor of the Year [C. Hogue]

A Linguistics Professor Looks Back [S. Berry]

On Prison Teaching [Editors]

new staff

Anthony Trifiro

in memoriam

Thelma Shinn Richard [A. Ríos]

Kenneth Donelson [A. Nilsen]

Accents on English 2.0 is produced by the Department of English at Arizona State University.

Executive Editors:  Cynthia Hogue, Kristen LaRue  |  PhotographerBruce Matsunaga

Newsletter Committee: Cynthia Hogue (Chair), Shavawn M. Berry, Daniel Cutrara, Heather Hoyt, Jan Kelly, Kristen LaRueSheila Luna, Jane Parkinson, Alberto RíosCornelia Wells

Cherry blossoms (image at top) can symbolize "a good education." See Language of Flowers, illustrated by Kate Greenway (Routledge, 1900)