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accents on english | spring-summer 16

accents on english | spring-summer 16

From the Editor

Our Electric Stories

No idea is so outlandish that it should not be considered.

–Winston Churchill

In a creative workplace, we are commonly connected by our individual uses of the imagination, even as each thing we do is different from the other. In this way, we are different together—sometimes spectacularly so.

This makes for a kind of human electricity, which together we as thinkers try to harness for a communal good, a public contribution. Even as we work individually, clearly we are stronger together, and we build as well on all those who have come before us. That is what defines us as scholars, creative writers, content creators, and artists.

from Kelly Marie Houle, 2013. "Treasure of the Beagle (detail)." Frontispiece of The Illuminated Origin of Species. Watercolor and Gold Foil on Paper. 22in x 30in.

What we do, we do well, and what we do well we offer up to the world. But we are, also, each other's world, so that the work of one of us so often leads to the work of another, and others after that.

In this issue of the newsletter, we've highlighted our different work together, emphasizing how one person's path so often crosses—and is often so close to—the path of another. Along with an eventual public, we affect each other, and the result is substantively good.

With that, here are some of those electric stories.

Alberto Ríos

Image: from Kelly Marie Houle, 2013. "Treasure of the Beagle (detail)." Frontispiece of The Illuminated Origin of Species. Watercolor and Gold Foil on Paper. 22in x 30in.