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accents on english | fall 17-spring 18

accents on english | fall 17-spring 18

volume 21, issue 1

Beauty will save the world.

–Fyodor Dostoyevsky

double lives: secret, subversive, and secondary artistic expression

A Note from the Editor: On Artistic Communication
Larry Ellis

about the chair

Catching up with Krista Ratcliffe
Kristen LaRue-Sandler

research and engagement

One Stitch at a Time: Fiber Artists in the Department of English
Dana Tait

Shirley Rose Sings for Community
Meghan Bacino

Cowboy Poetry: On the Trail with James Blasingame
Kira Assad

In the Deep: An Undersea Photographic Essay
Paul Kei Matsuda

student stories

Salsa Samba Sarah: Dancing to the Beat of a Surdo Drum
Sheila Luna

Hidden Music: After-Hours Talent in ASU English
Kira Assad

ASU Casts Working Actress in New Role as Film Studies Graduate
Kristen LaRue-Sandler

alumni feature

Breaking Bread with Lutfi Hussein, Culinary Artist
Larry Ellis

The Writing's on the Wall: Art as Non-Violent Protest
Sheila Luna

What is possible in art becomes thinkable in life.

—Brian Eno

word lovers' corner

Star-Lit: A Crossword on Intergalactic Travel in Literature
Alberto Ríos

comings & goings

Natalie Diaz, Assistant Professor (Creative Writing)
Marshall Terrill

Brian Goodman, Assistant Professor (Literature)
Liz Martínez

Barbara Patton-Walker, Assistant to the Chair
Erin Bottino

Chris Wheeler, Academic Advisor and Scheduler
Olja Sipka

new books & media

Faculty, Staff, Student, & Alumni Publications

in memoriam

Naira Kuzmich (1988-2017)
Tara Ison

James Ney (1932-2017)

Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art .

—Leonardo da Vinci

editorial staff

Accents on English 2.0 is produced by the Department of English at Arizona State University.

Executive EditorsLarry EllisKristen LaRue-Sandler  |  Web EditorKristen LaRue-Sandler

Copy EditorsSheila LunaKira Assad

Newsletter CommitteeLarry Ellis (Chair), Kira Assad, Meghan Bacino, Kristen LaRue-SandlerSheila LunaDana Tait

about the masthead image

Tara Ison. "Pink Mackintosh Roses Cushion." Embroidery, fabric, pillow. 

Tara Ison is a Professor in the Department of English's Creative Writing Program. An award-winning fiction writer, Ison is drawn to knitting and needlework for the meditational relaxation it affords. Read more about her handiwork in Dana Tait's story, "One Stitch at a Time."